Nihonshock Japanese Vocab Bank

Here, you will have easy access to all past our spotlight vocabulary words. This is a new area of the website so please excuse it for being a little rough around the edges, I'll be upgrading it as necessary.


みみたこ [mimi tako] – Short for 耳に胼胝ができる= “to get calluses in one’s ears”, this word is useful when you’ve been told something too many times…

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ぜっこうちょう [zekkouchou] – In prime condition, performing/proceeding extremely well.

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びんぼうゆすり [binbou yusuri] – “The poor man’s shake.” This word refers to tapping your foot or shaking your legs unconsciously while sitting, like a…

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てんこもり [tenko mori] – What’s bigger than an 大盛り (oomori : large serving)? Well, a 特盛り if you’re at Yoshinoya… But bigger than that? You want てんこ盛り!

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こしぎんちゃく [koshiginchaku] – A “hip purse”. This word is often a metaphor for someone who constantly follows their superiors around, trying to win their favor.

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だて [date] – Date was originally a proper name. Nowadays it’s more commonly used to mean “for show-off.” For example, 伊達眼鏡 [date megane] are glasses that…

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わりかん [warikan] – Short for 割前勘定 [warimae kanjou], Literally: “billing by divided-share”, this refers to dividing a restaurant/bar bill evenly among all members of a group.

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ふたまた [futamata] – Literally: “Double groin”. If you knew the parts of the word, you might be able to guess that it means “having relations with more than one lover.”

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ながらぞく [nagarazoku] – Refers to people who habitually listen to radio or watch television as they study/work. This word came to be in 1959 when…

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そうまとう [soumatou] – A kind of 2-layered lantern. The inner layer revolves and has images cut into it, such that when it turns, the shapes appear to move around the lantern.

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